A group of us are headed to PERU July 10 – 20, 2024 to share the Gospel and encourage the local missionaries there. Our target location is Jicamarca, a desert region on the outskirts of Lima. Frontera works across the high, barren hills in 16 zones. If you stand on top of any one of the hills in the area, you will see makeshift home after home – ready and waiting for the hope of Jesus.
This destitute community started as a squatter settlement, developed by families displaced by the Marxist revolutionary violence that terrorized the countryside years ago. Many of these poor farmers came in search of safety and opportunity but most only found slightly more bearable poverty. The families in Jicamarca live in extreme poverty and struggle to earn enough income to support their families. Most men earn between $12-15 a day. Minimum wage in Peru is about $220 a month.
God opened the doors for Frontera to share with hundreds of these families with the Gospel, as well as food relief during the world’s longest, strictest lockdown. Frontera has been working in this region for just over 8 years. Primary ministry activities include: discipleship in family and/or neighbor groups, evangelism, women’s studies and the Aventureros children’s discipleship programs.
If you’d like to support this trip you can PRAY and GIVE to ensure the trip’s success. Visit the trip website to learn more: TRIP INFORMATION.