
Ministry is using your SHAPE to change lives. Your SHAPE refers to five God-given resources you already have that can be used to serve others:

S.H.A.P.E. is an acronym for five tools God has put into your life to make a difference in the lives of others. When we serve others according to our SHAPE, we are involved in ministry. When ministry is targeted toward people who do not yet know Christ, with the purpose of leading them to a decision for Christ, we might call that “missions.”

S – SPIRITUAL GIFTS. God has given each believer at least one (and sometimes several) Spiritual Gifts to use for ministry and missions.

H – HEART. God gives each of us a heart for serving others in a particular setting. Your heart might lead you to serve senior adults, or college students, or those who are struggling with addiction.

A – ABILITIES. You have certain abilities (perhaps learned through training or natural talents) that God wants you to use for His glory. If you are able to sing beautifully, sing for Christ. If you can hammer well, build something in Jesus name.

P – PERSONALITY. It’s not secret that we have different personalities. There isn’t a “good” personality or “bad” personality per se, because every personality will be better suited at some area of ministry. Outgoing? Shy? Loud and aggressive? Quiet and unassuming? God can use you!

E – EXPERIENCES. Some experiences are good, some are challenging. God can bring us through even the tough times to a place where we can use those experiences to help others. God never wastes a hurt. Perhaps the area you will be most successful in ministry is an area where you have had the most hurt? God has touched you … and you can tough others in His name as well.

Interested in ministry at Sunny Hills? Please contact the church office at 228-7599 to make an appointment for a ministry review.

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